Equity Project Resources

Toward Equity: Local Engagement Strategies Beginning in 2011, the Equity Project engaged in intensive-site based work, working with pilot model sites to enhance LGBT advocacy in the juvenile justice system. One objective of the site-based work was to develop a “toolkit” for replication in other localities. However, through this multi-year process, that included many intensive […]

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Resource Type: Equity Project Resources

Restoring Justice Fortunately, a blueprint for supporting LGBT youth under the supervision of the juvenile justice system already exists. Over the past few years, several states and jurisdictions have enacted comprehensive nondiscrimination policies that serve as a model for how to treat LGBT youth with dignity and respect. This brief reviews these policies and finds that each contains similar […]

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Resource Type: Equity Project Resources

On May 10, 2010, the Equity Project joined the nation’s leading LGBT civil rights groups and the nation’s leading juvenile justice reform organizations in submitting two sets of comments to Attorney General Eric Holder, urging him to adopt the proposed NPREC standards to prevent sexual abuse in prisons, jails, and youth facilities. The comments expressed strong support for the standards with suggested modifications to strengthen the protection of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people from sexual abuse.

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