Toward Equity Training Curriculum Released

The Equity Projects new training curriculum and materials are wonderful resources for the field. These comprehensive and much-needed tools will help agencies challenge their staff to create more supportive and inclusive environments, examine their own biases and behaviors, and better protect the children in their care. Thank you!-Dana Shoenberg, Deputy Director, Center for Childrens Law and Policy

Toward Equity provides a crucial tool for all advocates and practitioners who are looking for a comprehensive training that ensures the fair and appropriate treatment of LGBTQ youth in our justice systems.-Sarah Bryer, Director-National Juvenile Justice Network

“The Equity Project’s new training curriculum, Toward Equity, will fill a significant gap in the field by increasing the competence and skills of juvenile defenders to work with LGBT youth who come into contact with the justice system. Designed to provide lawyers and other justice system personnel with cutting edge training and new tools, the curriculum will go a long way towards increasing understanding about sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE) and provide attendees with practical, useful information to ensure fair and equitable outcomes for youth.”-Patti Puritz, Executive Director, National Juvenile Defender Center

The Equity Project’s training curriculum provides critical information about the lived experiences of LGBT youth who come into contact with the juvenile justice system, the data on disparate treatment and outcomes, and the legal obligation to ensure fairness and safety at every point in the system. The curriculum’s emphasis on interactive learning will increase the understanding and competence of juvenile justice stakeholders, and create a safer and fairer system for all justice involved youth.”-Shannan Wilber, Youth Policy Director, National Center for Lesbian Rights

“The Equity Project’s new training curriculum provides critical guidance to all stakeholders in the juvenile justice community for providing appropriate services to a truly vulnerable population. The curriculum is a practical, user friendly training guide that will greatly enhance competency in working with LGBT youth. “-Abigail Trillin, Executive Director, Legal Services for Children