Lesson One: Understanding Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression

The purpose of this lesson is for participants to gain a foundation understanding of the terms and concepts related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE); normative adolescent development; and the “coming out” process for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth. Other lessons in this curriculum will expand on these concepts, but this lesson is intended as a primer of SOGIE terminology and concepts. It is aimed at creating a basic and uniform level of competency in these areas for all participants.

Lesson One

Lesson One Handouts


OBJECTIVES Participants will:

• Examine and distinguish the concepts of SOGIE

• Acquire relevant terminology for discussing the concepts of SOGIE

• Deconstruct myths and stereotypes about LGBT youth

• Learn the process by which children and adolescents develop individual identity, including SOGIE

• Learn about the process through which many youth disclose their SOGIE (“coming out”)

• Discuss how others’ responses to a youth’s coming out may enhance positive and healthy development, or contribute to negative health, behavioral health, and developmental outcomes